Day 5: From Montana to Sofia

At the beginning a few speeds measured today.
The squatty German travelling cyclist with 20kg of luggage at an incline of 7%: 7 km/h
At the beginning a few speeds measured today.
The squatty German travelling cyclist with 20kg of luggage at an incline of 7%: 7 km/h
The mean common Bulgarian mosquito at an incline of 7%: 11km/h
The mean common Bulgarian wasp at an incline of 7%: 14 km/h
The common and uncommonly mean Bulgarian mountain dog at an incline of 7%: 25km/h.
That speed however he can’t maintain for a long time and he also lets himself push away by friendly Bulgarian car drivers.
Today we have crossed the West Balkan Mountains on quiet well paved roads with a lot of serpentines.
The stress and strain though is compensated by the lovely abundant Southern vegetation together with the rugged mountain area.
During the ascent of the pass over about 700 meters difference in altitude I ride into an exhilaration by endorphins, for ten minutes just laughing and sobbing ;-)
Then still quite a lot of challenging ascents till Sofia was in sight- I have heard Pauli’s shout of joy still very well one kilometer in front of him.
Well, after 120km to the centre tomorrow there will be the first well-deserved break day in Sofia.


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